Anutailam is the herbal oil used for the Practice of Nasyam. It also cures allergic rhinitis, strengthen the eyes, ears, nose, throat and tongue. It cures headache, migraine, hair fall and greying of hair. Nasyam is the administration of herbal oils through the nostrils. This practice helps to clear the nasal passages, improve respiratory function and balance the doshas (body energies). Nasyam is recommended as a daily practice in classical Ayurveda
Dosage : As directed by the physician
Anutailam ist das Kräuteröl, das für die Praxis von Nasyam verwendet wird. Es heilt auch allergischen Schnupfen, stärkt Augen, Ohren, Nase, Rachen und Zunge. Es heilt Kopfschmerzen, Migräne, Haarausfall und Ergrauen der Haare.
Dosierung: Nach Anweisung des Arztes
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